Value-creating education - from a parental and pedagogical perspective

In addition to parents, educators have the greatest role in raising children. This value-creating education requires both sides, as has been the case in recent months, when teachers and parents have been teaching children together in the digital education introduced because of the epidemic. A survey conducted by the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS) back in January revealed that the most important thing for both educators and parents is to raise responsible adults. The main goal of the research is to find an answer to how educators and parents think about raising children. Parents of fourth-grade students and teachers of the same students participated in the surveys.

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All Hungarian children are a TREASURE*, may they be born anywhere in the world

All Hungarian children are a TREASURE*, may they be born anywhere in the world

The Umbilical Cord Program is still popular among Hungarians across the border, thanks to which, since January 2018, maternity allowance and the life-start allowance for young people, the so called baby bond, to which Hungarian children born abroad are eligible in the same way as children born in Hungary. With the allowances, the Hungarian government recognizes also financially Hungarian families who have children anywhere in the world.

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Summer camps are a great assistance for parents

Summer camps are a great assistance for parents
24 May 2020

In the summer, it is a difficult issue for many families how to take care of their children during the holidays. Due to the epidemic, many parents have already used their leave days to take care of their children at home, making it harder for them to provide for childcare during the summer break. A representative survey of 1,000 people conducted by the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS) between May 18 and 20 reveals that 40 percent of those raising children under the age of 14 plan to enrol their children to a camp during the summer break. The good news for them is that, according to the government's decision, day camps and summer camps can be organized from June 16 on, in compliance with the applicable epidemiological regulations.

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A cooperation agreement was signed by the Mária Kopp Institute and the Professional Association of Hungarian Health Visitors

A cooperation agreement was signed by the Mária Kopp Institute and the Professional Association of Hungarian Health Visitors*

On the occasion of Health Visitors’ Day, the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS) and the 105-year-old Professional Association of Hungarian Health Visitors signed a cooperation agreement.

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The Hungarian family tax relief prominently helps families even in international comparisons

The Hungarian family tax relief prominently helps families even in international comparisons
June 1, 2020

The Hungarian family tax system makes a significant contribution to increasing the income of families, according to a survey by the Tax Foundation, founded in 1937, which analyzes tax policy and the social impact of certain tax systems. In its May 2020 analysis, the organization points out that the level of family tax relief provided by European states differs significantly, but Hungary is at the forefront among them.

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