Father's Center Helps Fathers in Berlin

Last year, the Father's Center in Berlin (Väterzentrum Berlin) celebrated the tenth anniversary of its existence. Founder Eberhard Schäfer, author of the book "The Book of Dads", published also in Hungarian, has launched this new initiative from his own in Germany.

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A conference was held in Riga on demographic challenges we are facing

In the West, many people are looking for half-way solutions instead of addressing the real issue: why are not enough children born in Europe? At the conference, besides the host Latvia, representatives of Hungary, Estonia, Finland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland and Lithuania have participated, one of the vice-presidents of the European Parliament, as well as experts who deal with the issue from a scientific point of view.

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International Day of Families - Family Affairs Are a Cultural Issue

Family affairs are spiritual, intellectual, value and cultural issues at the same time - said the President of the Kopp Maria Institute for Demography and Families at a Tuesday conference on the subject at the Academy. According to Tünde Fűrész, the family-friendly approach is increasingly pervasive in Hungarian society and even in the economy.

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