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KINCS Minutes - about Hungarian families returning home and about Hungarian families living outside the country: Another short film of the Mária Kopp Institute about the results of Hungarian family and demography policy

All Hungarian children are a treasure regardless of where they have been born in the world. The third part of KINCS Minutes is about supporting Hungarian families living abroad, and describes the number of those leaving Hungary and returning to the country. 

The KINCS Minutes video series launched by the Kopp Mária Institute for Demography and Families presents the successes of Hungarian family and population policy. The short films of a few minutes always focus on one topic at a time and objectively prove the effectiveness of the measures with data.

Under the left-wing governance between 2008 and 2010, three times more people left Hungary as came home. At the time, left-wing governments were against dual citizenship and did not support Hungarians living abroad. In 2010, a family-friendly shift took place. The number of returnees is constantly increasing, and today significantly more people are moving home than those who are leaving. The number of returnees has increased fifteenfold in a decade, and there are more and more families with children among them. Since 2018, Hungarian families living abroad have been able to claim maternity benefits and start the so-called baby bond savings under the same conditions as those living in Hungary. So far, a total of 35,000 have taken advantage of these opportunities.

This is due to the fact that Hungary is a family-friendly country, where Hungarian families living abroad are also highly valued. Let us keep it like that, let us keep our common treasures.

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